Students bring unique gifts and talents to each classroom and relationship. We believe that each child can reach his/her own potential if provided the proper school environment coupled with collaboration from home. Students must be active in the relationship for them to grow and learn. Through differentiation of instruction and various forms of assessments, students are able to achieve success on both Diocesan as well as State Exams. We teach the approved NYS curriculum including full classes in social studies and science. Religion is a formal part of our curriculum. A rigorous curriculum ensures that our students are well prepared for high school and have attained many scholarships. Each student is responsible for:
1. Trying their best in all they do.
2. Accepting responsibility for their schoolwork and behavior. 3. Showing respect for their school family and the families of others.
4. Showing respect for school property and policies and the property of others.
5. Behavior that reflects the Catholic Faith upon which our school is grounded.
6. Demonstrating pride in their work and behavior as students of St. Matthias Catholic Academy.
Here at St. Matthias Catholic Academy students participate in many afterschool clubs and activities. Some recent clubs and activities are: Sports Club, Step Club, Yearbook, Cinema Club, Drama Club, Debate Club, Robotics Club and Lego Club. The hydroponics lab is utilized to enhance our Science Program.